Research Studies
All Research Studies related, with the predominant interest in Self-centric Research Studies. Presented here is the detail of David’s Doctor of Creative Practice journey: “Music & Sounds which resonate within…
Media Identity & Curation Part 1
This blog is a continuation of a series. See here for the previous blog. A creative practitioner As a creative practitioner I am conscious of the dynamic nature of creative endeavours. I am aware of the relationship between my self and my practice: my self informs my practice, and in turn, my practice informs my self…
Music Practitioner Part 2 – What Brought Me Here #5
(Australia Post stamp 1998) This blog is a continuation of a series. See here for the previous blog. A significant influence A song that had a significant influence on my music practice in my formative years…
Life is about the moment…..
This blog is a continuation of a series. See here for the previous blog. at any point in time….. Life is about the moment ….. all things fluid……. experiencing the moment… listening, observing, interacting, laughing, loving, enJOYing, soaking the moment in, digesting it, considering it, reflecting …. expressing ones’ being, streaming ones’ consciousness. While in…
Music Practitioner Part 1 – Beginnings
My earliest recollections of creative practice….. Due to the ill health of my mother and her need for many medical operations over an extended period, I lived in a very dark house for the first seven (7) years on my life. With the curtains and blinds drawn shut the majority of the time, and bedrooms doors closed, I…
Cultural Production Project Part 3
“Music is in life. It occurs everywhere – at any moment in time, in every place” (Page 2010) Continuing on from last month’s Cultural Production Project – Part 2 [February 2010], I will focus this month on the actual project of fusing together three musical styles to create a soundscape that expresses myself musically and sonically. Aim…
Cultural Production Project Part 2
“Music is in life. It occurs everywhere – at any moment in time, in every place” (Page 2010) Continuing on from last month’s Cultural Production Project – Part 1 [January 2010], I will focus this month on a description and analysis of the three musical styles that I am choosing to fuse together in this creative…
Cultural Production Project Part 1
“Music is in life. It occurs everywhere – at any moment in time, in every place” (Page 2010) Aim and Objective for this Project The aim of this project is to refocus on a creative production project that allows me to create a natural musical style and arrangement. The objective of this project is two-fold:…
Educational Philosophy Part 1
Educational Philosophy Education, training and learning is about achieving a specific intended end goal for a group of learners; and having the learners attain the learning outcomes of a particular discipline (Bowe et al 1992). At the core of education, training and learning lays the education philosophy of the institution, which is then embedded within…
E+L Session Plans Part 6
Education and Learning Session Plans (contd) There are many forms of Education & Learning Session Plans which I have discussed in E+L Session Plans Part 5. This blog continues the series. The synopsis plan is the most global of the Education & Learning Session Plans. DLP’s Synopsis Education & Learning Session Plan What: This is a precise paragraph…
Leadership Part 5
Doctorate of Philosophy (Education) proposal Further to my previous 3 part blog series International Edcuation and Leadership, I decided to embark on a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education. The following represents my Doctoral Research Study proposal submitted in October 2000, and accepted by Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane Australia. …