Learning & Teaching Philosophy and Practice Part 4b

My revised Learning & Teaching Philosophy Statement

Layer 1b: My rearticulated approach to Learning & Teaching practice

Continuing on from my previous blog (2020a) in this series, I present below my revised Learning & Teaching Philosophy. This development emerged from an ongoing professional development commitment; specifically from my application process to the Advanced HE organisation – formerly Higher Education Academy (2020) for International HE Learning & Teaching accreditation.
However, a major influence on the development of this Statement has arisen as a direct result of my Post Doctoral studies in Creative Industries: an auto-ethnographical study into my Creative Practice. Since 2015, I have investigated how I engage within that practice, how I derive meaning, and how that informs Self (Page 2020b; Page 2019a).
Emerging from this study, I accepted the extent of my multi-disciplinarian approach to all practice given my extensive experience (and studies) across Business Management,Creative Practice,Learning & Teaching, Leadership and Stewardship, and Community Projects (Page 2020c). As a result, I revisited my Educational Philosophy and Practice, examining it through a more rigorous academic lens.

David L Page’s Learning & Teaching Philosophy Statement

I have developed a holistic understanding of learning and people across decades of professional, academic and life experiences; and research. With applications in varied contexts – cultures, industries, fields and disciplines – I now apply this knowledge in a Higher Education Senior Lecturer role (Murray, 2008; Li & Zhao 2015, v).
As a learning and leadership specialist, I am: a facilitator of transformation; a mentor; a collaborator; a coach; a guide; an innovator (Taylor et al 2012; Knowles 2015; Layne & Lake 2015; Collins 2015; Mezirow & Taylor 2011; Kolb & Kolb 2009). As their learning and leadership facilitator, I need to be clear, congruent and authentic in my leadership (Northouse 2019, 424; Assen et al 2018; Vandamme 2015; Lombardi 2007; Herrington & Herrington 2006). My holistic focus is on the creating of an all-inclusive culture within a cohort: a culture of learning (Senge et al 2012; Jarvis 2012; Jarvis 2006; Jarvis 2004), deep learning (Entwistle & Ramsden 1983), balance (Hill 2013), thinking (Ritchhart 2015), and reflective practice (Ryan 2015: Lawrence-Wilkes & Ashmore 2014; Moon 2013; Pascal & Thompson 2012; Zwozdiak-Myers 2012; Lyons 2010; Light at al 2009; Ghaye 2010; Brookfield 2002; Moon 1999; Brookfield 1995).
Organisation and alignment of all aspects of the learning program is paramount in order to realise significant learning experiences (Fink 2013). Learners are presented a range of authentic real-world, creative tasks and projects (Herrington & Herrington 2006; Darling-Hammond & Snyder 2000; Kaufman & Sternberg 2019; McIntosh & Warren 2013; Warren 2016; Martin 2018; Collins & Halverson 2009; Barell, 2007; Loveless & Williamson 2013). Learners derive meaning from embodied experiences (Mezirow 1991). In collaborative tasks and projects, learners have the opportunity to share their Subjective interpretation with their community of learners for further interpretations and clarifications (Cranton & Taylor 2012, 4; Goncalves and Riberio 2012, 301; Atkins 2008, 80-81; Mezirow 1991,10; Jarvis 2012,16; Lawrence 2012, 478; Fredrickson 2000, 578; Savery & Duffy 1995, 2).
Contemporary learners embrace a holistic developmental perspective; understanding meaning-making and Self-making are interdependent tenets which inform their practice (Page 2019b). Effective learning is a proactive cycle of intention, action, reflection, and reflexive practice (Kolb 1984; Nelson 2018). The adaptive, co-operative, collaborative learner develops strategies to reflect on their action/s, analyzing the disparity between their intention and their interpretation of their performance (de Corte 2010; Collins 2015). Proactive learners engage in self-referential activity (Gibbs 1988; Mezirow 1991; Mezirow 2012; Fredrickson & Cohn 2010, 783; Isen 2010, 549 & 555; McGregor 2008, 52-53); to develop their agency of rational and extra-rational faculties; and affective experience (Lawrence 2012, 472; Kensinger & Schacter 2010, 602; Brackett et al 2016, 19311; Thomas & Brown 2011; Gentile 2008, 1589; Budd 1992, 52; Fredrickson 2000, 577).  
Contemporary learners understand central to their balanced Self, is the unearthing of their Subjective voice (Nelson 2018, 95). This tenet includes the congruent alignment of one’s: self-narrative and self-system (Newman & Newman 2012, 267-268; MacDonald et al 2002, 7-8; Hallam 2017, 475; Lewis 2010, 313; Fredrickson & Cohn 2010, 783; Morin 2005, 116; Neisser 1994, 2); self-culture (Rokeach 1979, 72; Hofstede 1984, 18); and dialogical self, self-awareness, inner speech and agency (Hermans & Gieser 2012, 201; Goudena 2014, 204-205; Morin 2005, 115; Wiley, 2016, 25; Fogel et al 2002, 191-192; Archer 2010; Archer 2003; Archer 2000; Gentile 2008, 1589).
            This blog series continues with Learning & Teaching Philosophy & Practice Part 4c.


Advanced HE. 2020 Advanced HE  Accessed 12th April 2020
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– ©David L Page 12/04/2020
Copyright: No aspect of the content of this blog or blog site is to be reprinted or used within any practice without strict permission directly from David L Page.

David L Page

View posts by David L Page
With over 20 years experience in the arts & post-compulsory education, David has lived, studied and worked Internationally including Japan, India, Fiji, the US and NZ. David has extensive interests as per the extensive blogs hosted on his site (see below). Additionally, David has published in both lay texts and academic (peer-review) publications.

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