Memory – Introduction

Context The series of memory blogs that follow this Introductory blog are part of David L Page’s creative process – reflecting on selected significant events in the early stages of his life, and associating sonic and musical textures that best represent his memory of those significant events. The collection of associative memories will then be formed into...

Life is about the moment…..

This blog is a continuation of a series. See here for the previous blog. at any point in time….. Life is about the moment ….. all things fluid……. experiencing the moment… listening, observing, interacting, laughing, loving, enJOYing, soaking the moment in, digesting it, considering it, reflecting …. expressing ones’ being, streaming ones’ consciousness. While in...

Memory – Age 2

My earliest recollection The earliest recollections I have of my life are: I recall darkness and starkness of an empty house  I recall the house had little to no natural light….. I recall being alone, and feeling scared most of those days…. I recall there were few if anyone in the house with me….. I have no...

Memory – Age 9

Another significant event…. I know one of my pet hates in life is the schoolyard pick. Based on my experience on the receiving end, I avoid it like the plague … When I am presented an opportunity in leadership, To split a group, I will use any other method than the schoolyard pick This is...

Memory – Age 7

I have always tried to live straight up and down But it seems that no matter how much I tried, trouble has always followed me, wrong place, wrong time.. dragging me  off my feet something always seems to get in my way, and I come unstuck…. That trait seems to have followed me through pretty much all of my life……….....

Memory – Age 15

This is another in-situated recollection of what I consider to have been a significant event in my life, when I was Age 15. Life moves on… One of my primary school friends – a naturally gifted kid – a district athlete across a number of sports – individual and team. One of those people who...

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