Research Study Abstract The aim of this Doctor of Creative Industries Research Project is to investigate both my DIY music and sound-making practice and my self as a practitioner during the process of creating and producing a cultural artefact (EP). My research study is designed to be a multi-method qualitative study: a practice-based, arts practice...
Category: Soft Skills
All things communication related: all that is associated to the act of communicating, engaging, discussion, expressing, projecting, reflecting, learning, developing self image and ‘voice’, changing & developing views and perceptions, goal setting, time management, negotiation, conflict resolution, educing, teaching, training, guiding, or scaffolding: either of yourself or others, into something more than who you were, to become who you really are …….
Who I am……
(Page 2017a) Me, myself, I – the multi-facetted/multi-dimensional practitioner As described in my blog Research Practitioner Part 16 (Page 2017b), I am a multi-facetted/multi-dimensional practitioner – a practitioner across multiple practices of education & learning, research study commitments, creative practice, professional consulting practice and family responsibilities. I concluded that: “All of my practice informs my self; and my...
Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 17a
(Page 2014a) This blog is a continuation of a series. See here (Page 2014b) for the previous blog. Reflecting on 2014 …. My approach to practice was so different to that of my recently recruited peers. As part of the creative media studies stream, learners were now to be immersed in specific creative media lexis and theory, via tasks that...
Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 15a
Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 (Research 2016) Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as I am now into my third year of my post-graduate academic research study, I felt motivated to revisit and develop my values, goals and beliefs for both my self and my music practice. It is now early- Year 3, with the...
Education & Learning – the first 10,000 hours….
The first 10,000 hours of practice is everything….. “10,000 hours. That is: 40 hours per week, for 48 weeks a year, for 5.2 years. A full-time employment workload excluding time where the aspiring practitioner is observing, or being talked through a task by a professional practitioner. A full-time employment workload, excluding training periods where the aspiring practitioner is doing...
Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 11b
Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 (Research 2016) Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as I am now at the end of my second year of my post-graduate academic research studies, I felt it is important to revisit and develop my Charter of Values and Beliefs v1 of goals, values and beliefs for both myself and my music...
Memory – Introduction
Context The series of memory blogs that follow this Introductory blog are part of David L Page’s creative process – reflecting on selected significant events in the early stages of his life, and associating sonic and musical textures that best represent his memory of those significant events. The collection of associative memories will then be formed into...
Reflecting on my Education & Learning Practice
Reflecting on 16T2 – the findings of this reflection, and what actions I have done as a result Note: an abbreviated version of this blog is available as a powerpoint presentation. It is currently the week following SAE Institute’s Trimester two (16T2) grading fortnight. I am clearing my desk and organising my electronic folders of the last fifteen weeks of...
Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 4
Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as a person new to formal academic research studies, I have been surprised with the number of occasions that I have been confronted by a range of thoughts, feelings, observations, recollections – positives and learnings – and highlighted behavioural patterns over the...
Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 3c
“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring” [David Bowie]. Observations of my practice Since commencing my Doctorate in January 2015, I have immersed my self in researching the industry and field of my practice, attempting to better understand how my practice sits within the very broad fields of music...