Creative Practice

All things related to Creative Practice. Most notably this includes DLP’s personal passions of Creative Writing, Music & Sound, Audio Production, and most other Creative Media disciplines that cross over into any of these areas.


Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 13a

Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 (Research 2017) Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series, I find my self now in a process of reflective practice. In much the same way as described in my education & learning practice session blog (see Layer 10: Reflective practice following the learning practice), I am away from the site…

Memory – Age 20 Part 2

(Kent 2012) This is another in-situated recollection of what I consider to have been a significant event in my life, when I was Age 20. Herein, after….. Herein, after …..(passage to the afterlife))©David L Page 2016 Verse 1: What I knew has vanished all around My world has turned inside out there is over here, and…

Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 11b

Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 (Research 2016) Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as I am now at the end of my second year of my post-graduate academic research studies, I felt it is important to revisit and develop my Charter of Values and Beliefs v1 of goals, values and beliefs for both myself and my music…

Microphones Part 13 – Other

This blog is a continuation of a series. See here for the previous blog. (AE Project Studio 2015) Current stock My current studio and live microphone stocks a modest range of dynamic microphones, dynamic ribbons, condensers, tubes and contact microphones. The range of microphones include: Shure 57s, 58s, Beta52As & SM7Bs; Electro Voice RE20s; Sennheiser e935s, e945s, e906s &…

Memory – Introduction

Context The series of memory blogs that follow this Introductory blog are part of David L Page’s creative process – reflecting on selected significant events in the early stages of his life, and associating sonic and musical textures that best represent his memory of those significant events. The collection of associative memories will then be formed into…

Reflecting on my Education & Learning Practice

Reflecting on 16T2 – the findings of this reflection, and what actions I have done as a result Note: an abbreviated version of this blog is available as a powerpoint presentation.  It is currently the week following SAE Institute’s Trimester two (16T2) grading fortnight. I am clearing my desk and organising my electronic folders of the last fifteen weeks of…

Memory – Age 4

A Few Months Past Four…. A Few Months Past Four….©David L Page 2016 Verse 1: I recall going to kindy A neighbour drove me with their children, My local street kids – one the same age as me.. And his little sis They dropped us off for the day…. It was in a local church,…

Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 4

Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1 Precis Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as a person new to formal academic research studies,  I have been surprised with the number of occasions that I have been confronted by a range of thoughts, feelings, observations, recollections – positives and learnings – and highlighted behavioural patterns over the…

Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 3c

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring” [David Bowie].  Observations of my practice Since commencing my Doctorate in January 2015, I have immersed my self in researching the industry and field of my practice, attempting to better understand how my practice sits within the very broad fields of music…