Doctoral Pilot Study – Part 15a

Doctorate of Creative Industries Project 1


(Research 2016)


Continuing on from my previous blogs in this series; as I am now into my third year of my post-graduate academic research study,  I felt motivated to revisit and develop my values, goals and beliefs for both my self and my music practice. It is now early- Year 3, with the pending significant milestone being the completion of my Doctoral Research Study Project 1.  You will note in the following blog, the considerable insight I have gained into both my self and my practice over the past three (3) to four (4) months since my last blog post – Charter of Values and Beliefs v2 , on the 28th November 2016.
The Art of self-reflection
(Self Reflection 2016)

Opening remarks

Over the course of the past sixteen (16) months, I have gained new levels of understanding and clarity about my self and practice. The most notable development to the Year 2 (2016) Charter of Values and Beliefs v2 was over a three (3) to four (4) month period from November 2016 to the near end of February 2017. In living my very busy life across full-time employment, research study commitments, creative practice, professional consulting practice and family responsibilities, I noticed I was no longer just restricting my research study observations of my creative practice, but I was now observing how my self was engaging in my multiple forms of practice. It was as though the many forms of practice I had previously treated as quite separate entities, suddenly were being seen through a lens as one of the same thing: a multi-discplinary practice. In realising what was occurring, in January 2017 I recorded my observations in the blog the multi-facetted/multi-dimensional practitioner (Page 2017).
DLPs Multi-faceted Practitioner.20170212.P4
(Page 2017a)
Over the course of this period (from v2 to v3), I broadened the term I refer to my practitioner self from music practitioner to a more holistic view to that of, creative practitioner. From that point in time, the manner in which I now saw my self and my practice has been very much through a non-disciplinary specific – or perhaps a multi-discplinary lens. This illumination was for me, profound. I developed my Charter of Values and Beliefs v3 , and now consider this to be exponentially more aligned with my self and my practitioner self, irrespective of my form of practice I am engaging in at any point in time. Over the course of this period, I broadened the term I refer to my practitioner self, from music practitioner to creative practitioner; to now that of only, practitioner. I am a practitioner across many industries, fields, disciplines and sites. All of my practice informs my self; and my self informs my practice – irrespective of the industry, the field, the discipline, or the site.

(Page 2017b)
The chart below visually shows (left column is v1, middle column is v2, right column in v3) the degree of development of my Charter of Values and Beliefs from v1 (green lines = new entries, and grey lines = no entry), to v2 (white lines = same entry as previously made in v1, green lines = new entries, and yellow entries = a development of a previous green entry), to v3.
Charter of Values development v3_v10_13.20170320.P1
(Page 2017c)
Quantifiably, the development across the three (3) versions of the Charter of Values and Beliefs over the sixteen (16) months of Project 1 has been:
v1: 26 green entries – new entries – under 8 categories
v2: 55 entries under 10 categories (112% growth in entries)
  • 24 white entries (previous existing entries with NO change)
  • 1 yellow entry (development of previous existing entries) [4% change in previous existing entries]
  • 30 green entries (new entries, or complete re-write/change to previous existing)  [115% growth in new entries]
v3:  87 entries under 11 categories (58% growth in entries)
  • 19 white entries (previous existing entries with NO change) [35% of v2 total]
  • 36 yellow entries (development of previous existing entries) [65% of v2 total]
  • 32 green entries (new entries, or complete re-write/change to previous existing) [106% growth in new entries]
However, whilst the quantifiable number of entries demonstrates the volume of change, it is only when you engage in each and every entry, that you can begin to understand the significance of the development from v2 to v3 of the Charter of Values and Beliefs. It is in the quality – the depth and breadth – of these new (green) entries, and the revised (yellow) entries.  I welcome you to engage in my findings that I believe reveals a more aligned self with my practice; with my multi-facetted, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary practitioner self; my authentic self.

~DLP Pro Image 1.20141020

(DLP 2016a)

DLP’s Charter of Values and Beliefs v3


Year 1 Research Study Part 1a – who I know I am now

1a. Self: N/A [Value]. N/A [Goal]. I believe self as being central/core to my being [Belief].
1b. Self: In life, I value a phenomenological approach to life – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills. (Just about) Every person has the capacity (ability) to learn – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills (eg: think learning to baby talk, crawl, talk, walk, converse, function at home, go to school, etc) [Value]. I strive to maintain a phenomenological approach to life – to experience, to learn and to continually develop my knowledge and skills. (Just about) Every person has the capacity (ability) to learn – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills (eg: think learning to baby talk, crawl, talk, walk, converse, function at home, go to school, etc) [Goal]. I take a phenomenological approach to life – to experience, to learn and to continually develop my knowledge and skills. (Just about) Every person has the capacity (ability) to learn – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills (eg: think learning to baby talk, crawl, talk, walk, converse, function at home, go to school, etc) [Belief].
1c. Self: I value an empirical evidentiary approach to life – a physical and sensory experience – gaining knowledge by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Value]. I strive to gain knowledge by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Goal]. I gain knowledge most effectively and efficiently by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Belief].
1d. Self: In life I value authenticity [Value]. I aspire to being authentic in life, living true to my values and beliefs [Goal]. I believe I live to a high degree of authenticity in life, living true to my values and beliefs [Belief] [see *Note below].
1e. Self: In life, I value a spiritual approach to life – to develop understanding, respect and acceptance of self [Value]. I strive to maintain spiritual balance within my life – to develop understanding, respect and acceptance of self [Goal]. We are spiritual beings, engaging in a human experience. My human journey is to resolve the limitations, contradictions and inconsistencies of being human – to experience, to learn, and to develop understanding, respect and acceptance of self – and to engage congruently within the physical world [Belief] [see *Note below].
1f. Self: I value a holistic perspective of self, with consideration of the many facets and dimension that each person possesses [Belief]. I strive to see a holistic perspective of self, looking for the many facets and dimensions that each person possesses [Goal]. In life, I accept a holistic perspective of self, revealing the many facets and dimensions that each person possesses [Belief].
1g. Self: In life I value self-reliance [Value]. I aspire to being self-reliant in life [Goal]. I am self-reliant in life, but choose to be, or not to be, as I see appropriate [Belief] [see *Note above].
1h. Self: I value inner speech to guide the self [Value]. I strive to develop my inner speech to act as a more effective inner guide the self [Goal]. I have developed my inner speech to act as a more effective inner guide the self [Belief].
 1i. Self: In life, I value the conscious pursuit of the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose [Value]. I consciously strive to in the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose [Goal]. I consciously strive in the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose. I now possess a clearer view of who I am as a person, and what my purpose is [Belief].
1j. Self: I value the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guide the self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ [Value].  I strive to develop the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guide the self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ [Goal]. I have developed the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guide the self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ [Belief]
1k. Self: In life, I value an embodied approach to life: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to tools or process [Value]. I strive to exercise an embodied approach: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to tools or process [Goal]. I exercise an embodied approach in practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to tools or process [Belief]. I am a physical being – a tactile being, a kinaesthetic being, a sensual being that chooses to tools or process [Belief].
1l. Self: In life, I value affective connection [Value]. I strive to be affectively connected [Goal]. I am an affected being [Belief] [see *Note above].
1m. Self: In life, I value balance [Value]. I strive to be balanced, to be a balanced, functional human being – affective, expressive and communicative – spiritually, physically and mentally [Goal]. Whilst being very busy, I have balance in my life. I am a balanced, functional human being – affective, expressive and communicative – spiritually, physically and mentally [Belief].
[*Note: though I became quite imbalanced over the last three months of 2016, by choosing to overlook the balance of my spiritual, physical and mental being. I am happy to report though, this balance has mostly returned by the close of the year].
1n. Self: In life, I value diversity of orientation [Value]. I am very end product/goal-orientated with actions; and I also very process-orientated with expression and reflection [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, I have a great opportunity in life. I believe I am target-orientated and effective and efficient in realising personal goals: I believe I do not waiver from my focus. However along the journey, I believe I am process-orientated in my expression and reflection. I believe I immerse my self in the process [Belief].
1o. Self: In life, I value an open intellect/mindfulness [Value]. I strive to approach life with an open and inquiring mind [Goal]. I approach most aspects of my life with an open and inquiring mind, applying thought and mindfulness [Belief].
1p. Self: In life, I value joy [Value]. I strive to be connected to joy and happiness [Goal]. I am a joyful being [Belief] [see *Note above].
1q. Self: I value a sincere and deep level of engagement with others [Value]. I aspire to engaging with others in a sincere way, and to a deep level of engagement with others [Goal]. I engage with others in a sincere way, and to a deep level of engagement with others – in a genuine and congruent manner [Belief] [see *Note above].
1r. Self: I value nurturing as a human quality [Value]. I aspire to be a nurturing soul [Goal]. I am a nurturing soul [Belief] [see *Note above].


Year 1 Research Study Part 1b – who I know I am now as a practitioner

2a. Self & Practice: N/A [Value]. N/A [Goal]. I believe the practitioner self is central/core to my practice [Belief].
2b. Self & Practice: I value a phenomenological approach to practice – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills [Value]. I strive to maintain a phenomenological approach to practice – to experience, to learn and to continually develop my knowledge and skills [Goal]. I take a phenomenological approach to practice – to experience, to learn and to continually develop my knowledge and skills [Belief].
2c. Self & Practice: I value an empirical evidentiary approach to practice – sense experience, gaining knowledge by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Value]. In practice, I strive to gain knowledge by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Goal]. I believe I gain knowledge most effectively and efficiently in practice by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation [Belief].
2d. Self & Practice: In practice I value authenticity, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Value]. I aspire to being authentic in my practice, being true to my values and beliefs, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Goal]. I believe I demonstrate a high degree of authenticity in my practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Belief].
2e. Self & Practice: I value a holistic perspective of the practitioner self, with consideration of the many facets and dimension that each practitioner possesses [Belief]. I strive to see a holistic perspective of the practitioner self, looking for the many facets and dimensions that each practitioner possesses [Goal]. I accept a holistic perspective of the practitioner self, revealing the many facets and dimensions that each practitioner possesses [Belief].
2f. Self & Practice: In practice I value self-reliance [Value]. I aspire to being self-reliant in my practice [Goal]. I am self-reliant in my practice, but choose to be, or not to be, as I see appropriate [Belief] [see *Note above].
2g. Self & Practice: In practice, I value inner speech to guide the practitioner self [Value]. In practice, I strive to develop my inner speech to act as a more effective inner guide the practitioner self [Goal]. In practice, I have developed my inner speech to act as a more effective inner guide the practitioner self [Belief].
2h. Self & Practice: In practice, I value the conscious pursuit of the development of practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose [Value]. I consciously strive in the development of my practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose [Goal]. I consciously strive in the development of my practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose. I now possess a clearer view of who I am as a practitioner, and what my purpose is [Belief].
2i. Self & Practice: I value the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guides the practitioner self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ in practice [Value]. I strive to develop the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guides the practitioner self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ in my practice [Goal]. I have developed the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guides the practitioner self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ in my practice [Belief].
2j. Self & Practice: I value an embodied approach to practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the practice – tools or process [Value]. I strive to exercise an embodied approach to practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the practice – tools or process [Goal]. I exercise an embodied approach in practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the practice – tools or process [Belief]. I am a physical being – a tactile being, a kinaesthetic being, a sensual being that chooses to engage in the practice – tools or process [Belief].
2k. Self & Practice: I value a high volume of post-training practice (10,000 hours) in order to develop a professional level of knowledge and skill in that practice [Value]. In any form of new practice I choose to learn, I set the goal on 10,000 hours of post-training practice in order to develop a professional level of knowledge and skill in that practice [Goal]. The forms of practice I have developed a professional level of knowledge and skill in, is the result of having invested 10,000 hours of post-training practice [Belief].
2l. Self & Practice: I value a high standard of practice [Value]. I aspire to execute a high standard of practice within the various forms of practice I engage in [Goal]. I believe I operate at a high standard of practice within the various forms of practice I engage in [Belief].
2m. Self & Practice: Further to 2c above, I value a multi-faceted/multi-dimensional approach to practice [Value]. I aspire to execute a multi-faceted/multi-dimensional approach within the various forms of practice I engage in [Goal]. I execute a multi-faceted/multi-dimensional approach to practice, within the various forms of practice I engage in [Belief].
2n. Self & Practice: I value diversity of orientation in my practice [Value]. I am very end product/goal-orientated with actions; and I also very process-orientated with expression and reflection [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, I have a great opportunity in life. I believe I am target-orientated, effective and efficient in realising goals within the various forms of practice I engage in: I believe I do not waiver from the output focus for that practice. However within my various forms of practice, I believe I immerse my self in the process of practice with my expression and reflection [Belief] [see *Note above].
 2o. Self & Practice: In practice, I value spontaneity (being spontaneous = freedom for DLP) [Value]. In my practice, I aspire to spontaneously – effortlessly, naturally – alter my practice as I see fit/appropriate [Goal]. I operate in a spontaneous manner – effortlessly, naturally – within the various forms of practice I engage in [Belief].
2p. Self & Practice: In practice, I value being prepared [Value]. I aspire to being prepared in all situations of my practice, facilitating optimum engagement and maximizing the opportunity of an optimum experience for others [Goal]. I prepare thoroughly for my practice, facilitating optimum engagement and maximizing the opportunity of an optimum experience for others. I believe such preparation is an integral part of the practice process [Belief] [see *Note above].
2q. Self & Practice: In practice, I value appearing to be in a relaxed state [Value]. I aspire to appearing to be in a relaxed state in all situations, enabling the execution of what appears to be an effortless/natural/automatic high level of practice; in turn facilitating optimum engagement and maximizing the opportunity of an optimum experience for others [Goal]. I prepare thoroughly for my practice, prior to practice, in order to be in a relaxed stated at the time of public practice (ie the performance). Being in this state in turn facilitates optimum engagement and maximizes the opportunity of an optimum experience for others. I believe such a relaxed state in public performance is a key element of the practice process [Belief][see *Note above].
2r. Self & Practice: I value practice that provides opportunities for nurturing [Value]. I aspire to practice that provides opportunities to nurture (both my self and others)[Goal]. I engage in practice that provides opportunities to nurture (both my self and others) [Belief] [see *Note above].


Year 1 Research Study Part 1c – who I know I am as a practitioner

3a. Social and Cultural contexts: I value social and cultural diversity [Value]. I strive to live across a very wide and broad range of social and cultural contexts – countries and cultures in my life [Goal]. I embrace a very wide and broad range of of social and cultural contexts – countries and cultures in my life [Belief].
3b. Social and Cultural contexts: I value equal opportunity for all – irrespective of gender, race, sexual preference, impairment [Value]. I strive to provide equitable levels of service and practice for all – irrespective of gender, race, sexual preference, impairment [Goal]. I assist people by providing equitable levels of service and practice for all – irrespective of gender, race, sexual preference, impairment [Belief].
3c. Social and Cultural contexts: I value opportunity for all for learning and development to navigate their life  – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… (what I refer to as “community education”) [Value].  I strive to assist people to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life –  their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community education”) [Goal].I assist people to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community education”) [Belief].
3d. Social and Cultural contexts: I value opportunities in contexts that provide opportunities for nurturing [Value]. I aspire to practice in contexts that provides opportunities to nurture (both my self and others) [Goal]. I engage in practice in contexts which provides opportunities to nurture (both my self and others) [Belief].

~DLP Pro Image Fun 5b small.20141020

(DLP 2016b)

Year 1 Research Study Part 1d – who I know I am as a creative practitioner

4a. Creative practice: In my creative practice I value authenticity [Value]. I aspire to being authentic in my creative practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Goal]. I believe I demonstrate a high degree of authenticity in my creative practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Belief].
 4b. Creative practice: I value the conscious pursuit of the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align one’s purpose to one’s creative practice [Value]. I consciously strive in the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose to one’s creative practice [Goal]. I consciously strive in the development of self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose to one’s creative practice. I now possess a clearer view of who I am as a person, and what my purpose is [Belief].
4c. Creative practice: I value diversity of orientation in my creative practice [Value]. I strive to exercise both a goal-orientation (product), and a process-orientation (process) with my creative practice [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, there is a great opportunity in my creative practice. I believe my target-orientation allows me to effectively and efficiently realise goals for my creative practice, not wavering from the output focus – the product – for that creative practice. However within my creative practice, I believe I immerse my self in the process of the creative practice with my expression and reflection for creative benefit [Belief].
4d. Creative practice: I value social and cultural diversity of creative practice, music and sonic styles [Value]. I strive to experience and be influenced by a very wide and broad range of diversity of creative practice, music and sonic styles in my life [Goal]. I am open to experience and be influenced by a very wide and broad range of diversity of creative practice, music and sonic styles [Belief].
4e. Creative practice: I value creative practice occurring in a supportive environment or culture [Value]. I strive for my creative practice to occur in a supportive culture and environment in my life [Goal]. I facilitate my creative practice to occur in a supportive culture and environment [Belief].
4f. Creative practice: I value creative practice assisting participants to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community creative education”, “community music education”, etc) [Value]. I strive for creative practice to assist participants to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community creative education”, “community music education”, etc) [Goal]. Creative practice workshops I provide assist participants to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community creative education”, “community music education”, etc) [Belief]. My creative practice workshops assist participants to gain an opportunity for learning and development – helping them to navigate their life – their dreams, desires, goals, directions, wants, wishes, in order to overcome their challenges, issues, hurts… – (what I refer to as “community creative education”, “community music education”, etc) [Belief].
4g. Creative practice: I value creative practice workshops that provide opportunities for nurturing [Value]. I aspire to provide creative practice workshops that provide opportunities to nurture (both my self and others) [Goal]. I provide creative practice workshops that provide opportunities to nurture (both my self and others) [Belief]. My creative practice is engaged in a manner that is nurturing (of both my self and others) [Belief].


Year 1 Research Study Part 1e – who I know I am as a sound-track making practitioner

5a. Composition and Performance of Narrative: I value authenticity in my composition and performance of narrative practice [Value]. I strive to maintain authenticity with my composition and performance of narrative practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Goal]. I believe I maintain authenticity with my composition and performance of narrative practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Belief].
5b. Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value diversity of orientation in my composition and performance of narrative practice [Value]. I strive to exercise both a goal-orientation (product), and a process-orientation (process) with my composition and performance of narrative practice [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, there is a great opportunity in my composition and performance of narrative practice. I believe my target-orientation allows me to effectively and efficiently realise goals for my composition and performance practice, not wavering from the aim and objective focus for that practice. However within that practice, I believe I immerse my self in the process of the composition and performance practice with my expression and reflection for creative benefit. I believe I am in the moment during that practice [Belief].
5c. Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value narrative compositions combining a range of music and sonic textures, appropriate to the music and sonic style, woven together in an original holistic cohesive manner [Value]. I strive to create narrative compositions combining a range of music and sonic textures, appropriate to the music and sonic style, woven together in an original holistic cohesive manner [Goal]. I integrate a range of music and sonic textures into my narrative compositions, appropriate to the music and sonic style, woven together in an original holistic cohesive manner [Belief].
5d. Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value composing and performing instrumentation and/or music and sonic elements, integrating all of the music and sonic textures together into an original holistic cohesive manner [Value]. I strive to compose and perform instrumentation and/or music and sonic elements, integrating all of the music and sonic textures together into an original holistic cohesive manner [Goal]. I compose and perform instrumentation and/or music and sonic elements, in and around other instruments, integrating all of music and sonic textures together into an original holistic cohesive manner [Belief].
5e. Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value composing and performing music and sonic narratives that are nurturing of both my self and others [Value]. I aspire to compose and perform music and sonic narratives that are nurturing of both my self and others [Goal]. I compose and perform music and sonic narratives that are nurturing of both my self and others [Belief].


Year 2 Research Study Part 2a – who I am discovering/accepting my self to be as a professional practitioner

6a. Self and Professional Practice: In my professional practice I value authenticity [Value]. I aspire to being authentic in my professional practice, being true to my values and beliefs, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Goal]. I believe I live to a high degree of authenticity in my professional practice, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs [Belief].
6b. Self & Professional Practice: I value the conscious pursuit of the development of professional practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose to the professional practice [Value]. I consciously strive in the development of my professional practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose to the professional practice [Goal]. I consciously strive in the development of my professional practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose to the professional practice. I now possess a clearer view of who I am as a professional practitioner, and what my professional practice purpose is [Belief].
6c. Self and Professional Practice: I value an embodied approach to professional practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the professional practice – tools or process [Value]. I strive to exercise an embodied approach to professional practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the professional practice – tools or process [Goal]. I exercise an embodied approach in professional practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the professional practice – tools or process [Belief]. I am a physical being – a tactile being, a kinaesthetic being, a sensual being that chooses to engage in the professional practice – tools or process [Belief].
6d. Self & Professional Practice: I value diversity of orientation in my professional practice [Value]. I strive to exercise both a goal-orientation (product), and a process-orientation (process) with my professional practice [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, there is a great opportunity in professional practice. I believe my target-orientation allows me to effectively and efficiently realise goals for my professional practice, not wavering from the aim and objective focus for that practice. However within that professional practice, I believe I believe I am in the moment. I immerse my self in the process of that practice with my expression and reflection, for great benefit to both my self and my practice. [Belief].
6e. Self & Professional Practice: In my life I value reflection – conscious, deliberate, systematic, interrogative introspection in order to consider, critically analyse and appraise my self and my practice [Value]. I aspire to being reflective – conscious, deliberate, systematic, interrogative introspection in order to consider, critically analyse and appraise my self and my professional practice (creative -music, education, research, management, or governance practice) as appropriate [Goal]. I am able to be reflective – conscious, deliberate, systematic, interrogative introspection in order to consider, critically analyse and appraise my self and my professional practice (creative -music, education, research, management, or governance practice) as appropriate [Belief].
6f. Self & Professional Practice: In my life I value ongoing development – constant and never-ending reflexive practice, in order to maintain proactive development of my self and my professional practice [Value]. I aspire to ongoing development – constant and never-ending reflexive practice, in order to maintain proactive development of my self and my professional practice (creative -music, education, research, management, or governance practice) as appropriate [Goal]. I am committed to ongoing development – constant and never-ending reflexive practice, in order to maintain proactive development of my self and my professional practice (creative -music, education, research, management, or governance practice) as appropriate [Belief].
6g. Self & Professional Practice: I value varied motives of professional practice [Value]. I practice professionally due to many varied motivations [Goal]. I practice professionally as a result of:
  • Discovery (to use creative practice as a medium for exploring, attempting to do something which you haven’t done previously)
  • Technically (to technically develop one’s skills)
  • Social (to connect to others)
  • Affectively (to express or connect to emotion)
  • Aesthetically (for expression or engagement in something artistic or of beauty)
  • Creatively (for action, just to do)
  • Physical (for physical expression, for exercise]
  • Commercial (for income generation purposes)
  • Educational (to demonstrate specific practice to my students, live or in preparation)
  • Cathartic (for self-development or intervention purposes. For me to connect with my emotions – to notice, to reflect, to acknowledge the emotion, and their significance, to work through that emotional experience – to deal with specific and/or significant events, and hopefully in doing so, move beyond certain emotions associated with these significant events, developing my self)
  • Performance (to maximise my performance standard, and what others get to see of me/ practice)
  • Nurturing (core to my Charter of Values is nurturing – nurturing of self and others. I demonstrate this motive in my education and learning practice; nurturing of others (eg when I am performing either as an artist, or as a producer) and nurturing of my self (when I am performing to/for my self) in my creative practice; and nurturing of my self (eg when I am reflecting) in my research practice [Belief].
6h. Self & Professional Practice: I value nurturing of my self and others – across my areas of my professional practice (creative – music, education, research, management, or governance practice) [Value]. I aspire to be a nurturing being – of my self and others – across my areas of my professional practice (creative -music, education, research, management, or governance practice) as appropriate [Goal]. I am a nurturing being – of my self and others – across my areas of my professional practice (creative – music, education, research, management, or governance practice)  – a social carer, an encourager, a coach, a mentor, an educator, a friend…. as appropriate [Belief].


Year 2 Research Study Part 2b – who I am discovering/accepting my self to be as a creative practitioner

7a. Self & Creative Practice: As a contemporary creative practitioner, I value practice across all of the eight (8) stages of creative practice: everyday practice, creating the narrative, composing the narrative, performing the narrative, pre-production planning, producing the music and sonic narrative, post-production polishing, and distributing the narrative [Value]. As a contemporary creative practitioner, I strive to practice across all of the eight (8) stages of creative practice: everyday practice, creating the narrative, composing the narrative, performing the narrative, pre-production planning, producing the music and sonic narrative, post-production polishing, and distributing the narrative [Goal]. As a contemporary creative practitioner, I practice across all of the eight (8) stages of creative practice: everyday practice, creating the narrative, composing the narrative, performing the narrative, pre-production planning, producing the music and sonic narrative, post-production polishing, and distributing the narrative [Belief].
7b. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice – the composing and performing of music and sonic narratives – motivated by a diversity of intentions – the majority of which are non-commercial [Value]. I strive to engage in creative practice – the composing and performing of music and sonic narratives – motivated by a diversity of intentions in my life – the majority of which are non-commercial [Goal]. I engage in creative practice – the composing and performing of music and sonic narratives – motivated by a diversity of intentions – the majority of which are non-commercial such as:
  • Discovery (to use creative practice as a medium for exploring, attempting to do something which you haven’t done previously)
  • Technically (to use creative practice as a medium to practice one’s craft, and technically develop one’s craft skills)
  • Social (to use creative practice as a medium for social interaction purposes, to connect to others [communicative])
  • Affectively (to use creative practice as a medium to express or connect to emotion)
  • Aesthetically (to use creative practice as a medium for expression or engagement in something artistic or of beauty)
  • Creatively (to use creative practice as a medium for action, just to do [expressivity])
  • Physical (to use creative practice as a medium for physical expression, for exercise]
  • Commercial (to use creative practice as a medium for income generation purposes)
  • Educational (to demonstrate specific creative practice to my students, live or in preparation)
  • Cathartic (self-development or intervention purposes. For me to connect with my emotions – to notice, to reflect, to acknowledge the emotion, and their significance, to work through that emotional experience – to deal with specific and/or significant events, and hopefully in doing so, move beyond certain emotions associated with these significant events, developing my self)
  • Performance (where my primary motive is to perform, and therefore all creation and creative development is built upon wanting to maximise my performance standard, and what others get to see of me/my art/my creative practice
  • Nurturing (core to my Charter of Values is nurturing – nurturing of self and others. I demonstrate this motive in my education & learning practice; nurturing of others (eg when I am performing either as an artist, or as a producer) and nurturing of my self (when I am performing to/for my self) in my creative practice; and nurturing of my self (eg when I am reflecting) in my research practice [Belief].
7c. Self & Creative Practice: I value music and sonic narratives primarily for their affective, expressive and communicative qualities [Value]. I strive to perform and compose music and sonic narrative primarily for their affective, expressive and communicative qualities [Goal]. I perform and compose music and sonic narrative primarily for their affective, expressive and communicative qualities [Belief].
7d. Self & Creative Practice: I value embodied creative practice, connecting affectively to the linguistic, music and sonic narratives irrespective of the technology that is used to create such cultural productions [Value]. I strive to exercise embodied creative practice – to connect affectively to the linguistic, music and sonic narratives irrespective of the technology that is used to create such cultural productions [Goal]. I more effectively and efficiently exercise embodied creative practice. I understand how I connect affectively to my linguistic music and sonic narratives, irrespective of the technology that is used to create such cultural productions [Belief]. I understand that for me to exercise embodied creative practice, I necessarily engage in deep reflective practice: in-situate, re-experiencing the experience – generated creative writing. In doing this, I realize a core of authenticity – of affective connectedness to the linguistic, music and sonic narratives, irrespective of the technology that I use to create such cultural productions [Belief].
7e. Self & Creative Practice: I value creating music and sonic narratives that I have an affective connectedness to. I value these narratives more, when I draw on deep reflective practice – in-situate, re-experiencing the experience – in order to generate an associative memory-based narrative whilst I am in the moment of the creative process, to maximize the affective connection of the product outcome/artifact. [Value]. I strive to create music and sonic narratives that I have an affective connectedness to. I aim to do this by drawing on deep reflective practice – in-situate, re-experiencing the experience – in order to generate an associative memory-based narrative whilst I am in the moment of the creative process, to maximize the affective connection of the product outcome/artifact [Goal]. I create music and sonic narratives that I have an affective connectedness to. I do this by drawing on deep reflective practice – in-situate, re-experiencing the experience – in order to generate an associative memory-based narrative whilst I am in the moment of the creative process, to maximize the affective connection of the product outcome/artifact [Belief].
7f. Self & Creative Practice: I value commencing the creative process using one of the forms of: narrative, prose or song lyrics [Value]. I intuitively commence creative practice using one of the forms of: narrative, prose or song lyrics [Goal]. I intuitively commence the creative process by using one of the forms of: narrative, prose or song lyrics [Belief].
7g. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice of a range of cultural origins, based on a diversity of interest, observation and experience [Value]. I strive for my creative practice to extend across of a range of cultural origins, based on a diversity of interest, observation and experience [Goal]. My creative practice extends across a range of cultural origins, based on a diversity of interest, observation and experience [Belief].
7h. Self & Creative Practice: I value the practice of listening to music and sonic narratives on any of the three levels: holistic, associative, or critical and analytical listening [Value]. I strive to practice listening to music and sonic narratives on any of the three levels: holistic, associative, and critical and analytical listening [Goal]. I practice listening to music and sonic narratives on all of the three levels: holistic, associative, and critical and analytical listening [Belief].


Year 2 Research Study Part 2c – who I am discovering/accepting myself to be as a creative practitioner

8a. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice of music and sonic narratives, which extends across diverse technologies, to influence the cultural production outcome [Value]. I strive for my creative practice of music and sonic narratives to extend across diverse technologies, to influence the cultural production outcome [Goal]. My creative practice of music and sonic narratives extends across diverse technologies, to influence the cultural production outcome [Belief].
8b. Self & Creative Practice: Intuitively, I value physical music and sonic narrative technologies that emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I can physically embrace and/or engage in [Value]. I intuitively seek a range of physical music and sonic narrative technologies that emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I can physically embrace and/or engage in. These technologies are to become extensions of my self [Goal]. I intuitively seek and engage in/play a range of physical music and sonic narrative technologies that emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I can physically embrace and/or engage in. These generally become extensions of my self [Belief].
8c. Self & Creative practice: I now also value physical music and sonic narrative technologies, which don’t necessarily emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I may not necessarily be able to physically embrace and/or engage in [Value]. I now seek a range of physical music and sonic narrative technologies, which don’t necessarily emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I may not necessarily be able to physically embrace and/or engage in. These technologies are to become extensions of my self [Goal]. I now seek and engage in/play a range of physical music and sonic narrative technologies, which don’t necessarily emit vibrations and resonances; of a style and size I can physically embrace and/or engage in. These are now becoming extensions of my self [Belief].
8d. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice of music and sonic narratives which extend across diverse sites, where one site’s practice influences and/or informs other forms of practice in other sites; to influence the cultural production outcome [Value].I strive for my creative practice of music and sonic narratives to extend across diverse sites, where one site’s practice influences and/or informs other forms of practice in other sites; to influence the cultural production outcome [Goal]. My creative practice of music and sonic narratives extends across diverse sites, where one site’s practice influences and/or informs other forms of practice in other sites such as studio performance; which in turn can influence and inform other forms of practice such as live performance; to influence the cultural production outcome [Belief].
8e. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice of music and sonic narratives, which extend across a range of holistic work practice, including composition of songs and soundtracks, to influence the cultural production outcome [Value]. I strive for my creative practice of music and sonic narratives to extend across a range of holistic work practice, including composition of songs and soundtracks, to influence the cultural production outcome [Goal]. My creative practice of music and sonic narratives extends across a range of holistic work practice, including composition of songs and soundtracks, to influence the cultural production outcome [Belief].
8f. Self & Creative Practice: I value creative practice of music and sonic narratives, which extend across diverse (micro) workflows, to influence the cultural production outcome [Value]. I strive for my creative practice of music and sonic narratives to extend across diverse (micro) workflows, to influence the cultural production outcome [Goal]. My creative practice of music and sonic narratives extends across diverse (micro) workflows, to influence the cultural production outcome [Belief]. 


Year 2 Research Study Part 2d – who I am discovering/accepting my self to be as a sound-track making practitioner

9a. Technology used for the Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value a diversity of technology – analogue, digital or digital virtual devices – in the practice of – creation and layering of – music and sonic textures in the composition and performance of narrative [Value]. I strive to engage in my creative practice a diversity of technology – analogue, digital or digital virtual devices – in the practice of – creation and layering of – music and sonic textures in the composition and performance of narrative [Goal]. I now – with confidence – engage in a diversity of technology – analogue, digital or digital virtual devices – in the practice of – creation and layering of – music and sonic textures in the composition and performance of narrative. I have developed a diversity of technology that I access and engage in, in the creation and layering of music and sonic textures in my composition and performance of narrative [Belief].
9b. Technology used for the Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value the incorporation of acoustic style instruments and their specific timbres; and the manipulation of at-the-time generated or pre-recorded sound sources for creative practice purposes; in cultural productions [Value]. I strive to incorporate acoustic style instruments and their specific timbres; and the manipulation of at-the-time generated or pre-recorded sound sources for creative practice purposes, in cultural productions  [Goal]. I incorporate acoustic style instruments and their specific timbres; and the manipulation of at-the-time generated or pre-recorded sound sources for creative practice purposes, in cultural productions  [Belief]. I have developed my live/studio technology (rig) to facilitate the manipulation and layering of music and sonic textures, and duplicate these irrespective of location – in both live and studio settings for cultural productions  [Belief].
9c. Technology used for the Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value the manipulation and layering of music and sonic textures to be duplicable equally in live and studio settings. I value a performance rig that facilitates sourcing these music and sonic textures irrespective of site (stage or studio) at any moment in time [Value]. I strive to manipulate and layer music and sonic textures that are duplicable equally in live and studio settings. I strive for my performance rig to facilitate sourcing these music and sonic textures irrespective of site (stage or studio) at any moment in time [Goal]. I manipulate and layer music and sonic textures that are duplicable equally in live and studio settings. My performance rig facilitates sourcing these music and sonic textures irrespective of site (stage or studio) at any moment in time [Belief].
9d. Technology used for the Composition & Performance of Narrative: I value a diversity of technology used for the composition & performance of narrative, that influences the cultural production outcome [Value]. I strive to use a diversity of technology in the composition & performance of narrative process, to influence the cultural production outcome [Goal]. I use a diversity of technology in the composition & performance of narrative process, to influence the cultural production outcome [Belief].


Year 2 Research Study Part 2e – who I am discovering/accepting my self to be as a creative practitioner

10a. Creative Practitioner: I value creative practitioners who aspire to create cultural production as a personal narrative, conscious it is technology of their self [Value]. I intuitively strive to be a creative practitioner who aspires to create cultural production as a personal narrative, conscious it is technology of their self [Goal]. I believe I am a creative practitioner who aspires to create cultural production as a personal narrative, conscious it is technology of my self [Belief].
10b. Creative Practitioner: I value holistic authentic creative practitioners – an identity-driven, value-driven, narrative-based, embodied practitioner [Value]. I aspire to being a holistic authentic creative practitioner – an identity-driven, value-driven, narrative-based, embodied practitioner [Goal]. I believe I am now a holistic authentic creative practitioner – an identity-driven, value-driven, narrative-based, embodied practitioner [Belief].
10c. Creative practice: I value the conscious pursuit of the development of one’s practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to develop as a holistic authentic creative practitioner [Value]. I consciously strive in the development of one’s practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to develop as a holistic authentic creative practitioner [Goal]. I consciously strive in the development of one’s practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to develop as a holistic authentic creative practitioner. I now possess a clearer view of who I am as a person, and what my purpose is [Belief].
10d. Creative Practitioner: I value creative practice with origins in artistic expression, over creative practice solely reliant on craft expression. I value drawing on all forms of life practice – not necessarily only creative practice – in order to in order to compose or perform narratives [Value]. I strive to practice music for artistic expression, over creative practice solely for craft expression [Goal]. I strive to be an innovator, an artist, an experimental artist, a non-musician composer, a technologist producer, drawing on any technological device – analogue, digital or digital virtual devices – or otherwise – natural medium – or site – studio, outdoors or nature – in order to compose or perform narratives [Goal]. I am now practicing music for artistic expression, rather that practicing music solely for craft expression [Belief]. I am now practicing to be an innovator, an artist, an experimental artist, a non-musician composer, a technologist producer, drawing on any technological device – analogue, digital or digital virtual devices – or otherwise – natural medium – or site – studio, outdoors or nature – in order to compose or perform narratives [Belief].
10e. Creative Practitioner: I value diversity of orientation as a creative practitioner [Value]. I strive to exercise both a goal-orientation (product), and a process-orientation (process) as a creative practitioner [Goal]. Being contrast orientated, I believe there is a great opportunity as a creative practitioner. I believe my target-orientation allows me to effectively and efficiently realise goals, not wavering from the aim and objective focus of that practice. However, I believe I am in the moment as a creative practitioner, fully immersed in the process of my creative practice [Belief].
10f. Creative Practitioner:  I value a described music praxis – a framework that outlines the interdependent elements for consideration during the stages of one’s creative practice [Value]. I strive to describe my music praxis – a framework that articulates the interdependent elements for consideration during the stages of one’s creative practice [Goal]. I have developed a considered music praxis – a framework that outlines the elements for consideration during the stages of one’s creative practice. These primary elements of my Creative practice Praxis v9k 20170520 are: self, listening/hearing, decision to act, reflection/reflective practice, reflexive practice, motive, theme, song mood, decision to commence, music production approach, compositional approach, agreed reference track, music and sonic style, simple versus complex textures, technology, site, holistic work practice, micro workflow, aesthetic choices, time opportunity, and social network engagement [Belief].
10g. Creative Practitioner: I intuitively value self-reliant DIY creative practitioners who aspire to compose or perform complex textured narrative soundscapes in each and every practice session, irrespective of the interdependent elements as outlined in Praxis v9k (see below) [Value]. I intuitively strive to be a self-reliant DIY creative practitioner who aspires to compose or perform complex textured narrative soundscapes in each and every practice session, irrespective of the interdependent elements as outlined in Praxis v9k (see below) [Goal]. I am a self-reliant DIY creative practitioner who aspires to compose or perform complex textured narrative soundscapes in each and every practice session, irrespective of the interdependent elements as outlined in Praxis v9k (see below) [Belief].

DLP DCI Praxis v9i.20170420.P1

Figure I – Project 1 Research Study Developed Praxis v9k (Page 2017d)


Year 2 Research Study Part 3 – who I have discovered and accepted my self to be as a practitioner, as a result of this Research Study, at this point in time 

11a Practitioner: I value authenticity – an authentic affective connection across all stages of practice – process and technology – across all practice [Value]. I strive to maintain being an Authentic practitioner  = maintaining an authentic affective connection across all stages of practice – process and technology – across all practice [Goal] As an authentic practitioner (holistic, embodied, value-driven, narrative-based), I engage in life to consciously, deliberately and systematically, stream my self to inform (all) practice, and (all) practice to inform my self [Belief]
(DLP 2016c)


Significant Differences between my Project 1 end-Year 2 Charter of Values and Beliefs v2; and my early-Year 3 Charter of Values and Beliefs v3

As mentioned in my opening remarks: the quantifiable number of entries demonstrates the volume of change I made from v2 to v3 of the Charter of Values and Beliefs in the course of four to six (4 – 6) months of living my very busy life across full-time employment, research study commitments, creative practice, professional consulting practice and family responsibilities (especially relative to the previous ten to eleven month period).  However, it is only when you engage in each and every actual entry, that you can begin to understand the significance of the development from v2 to v3 of the Charter of Values and Beliefs. It is in the quality – the depth and breadth – of these new (green) entries, and the revised (yellow) entries.
A notable development to the Year 2 (2016) Charter of Values and Beliefs v2 were in the inclusions of my self-knowledge within an academic environment as I had experienced since the beginning of 2015. I felt these were key to include to broaden the scope of how I saw my self:
2b. Self & Practice:  I value a phenomenological approach to practice – to experience, to learn and to continually develop knowledge and skills;
2c. Self & Practice:  I value an empirical evidentiary approach to practice – sense experience, gaining knowledge by means of my senses, particularly that of observation and experimentation.
Other notable developments that I felt key to include to broaden the scope of how I saw my self and my practice, were the inclusions from with in my holistic approach to practice, and my developing praxis:
2a.Self & Practice: I believe the practitioner self is central/core to my practice; 
2d. Self & Practice: In practice I value authenticity, maintaining alignment to my values and beliefs;
2h. Self & Practice: In practice, I value the conscious pursuit of the development of practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to align to one’s purpose;
2i. Self & Practice: I value the triadic voices of the dialogic self that guides the practitioner self across time – ‘the I, the me, and the you’ in practice;
2e. Self & Practice: I value a holistic perspective of the practitioner self, with consideration of the many facets and dimension that each practitioner possesses;
2j. Self & Practice:  I value an embodied approach to practice: an immersive physical and sensory experience with physical connection to the practice – tools or process;
2g. Self & Practice:  In practice, I value inner speech to guide the practitioner self
I also felt it was important to reiterate my approach to practice:
2k. Self & Practice: I value a high volume of post-training practice (10,000 hours) in order to develop a professional level of knowledge and skill in that practice
These were then developed across all forms of practice and specific stages of practice, broadening finally as expressions of the creative practitioner:
10a. Creative Practitioner: I value creative practitioners who aspire to create cultural production as a personal narrative, conscious it is technology of their self;
10b. Creative Practitioner: I value holistic authentic creative practitioners – an identity-driven, value-driven, narrative-based, embodied practitioner;
10c. Creative practice: I value the conscious pursuit of the development of one’s practitioner self and identity – exploring one’s narrative – in order to develop as a holistic authentic creative practitioner;
10d. Creative Practitioner: I value creative practice with origins in artistic expression, over creative practice solely reliant on craft expression. I value drawing on all forms of life practice – not necessarily only creative practice – in order to in order to compose or perform narratives;
10f. Creative Practitioner:  I value a described creative praxis – a framework that outlines the interdependent elements for consideration during the stages of one’s creative practice;
10g. Creative Practitioner: I intuitively value self-reliant DIY creative practitioners who aspire to compose or perform complex textured narrative soundscapes in each and every practice session, irrespective of the interdependent elements as outlined in Praxis v9k.
Over the course of this period (from v2 to v3), I broadened the term I refer to my practitioner self from music practitioner to a more holistic creative practitioner view. However, it was the next step that was to be the most profound. In living my very busy life, I noticed I was no longer just restricting my observations of my creative practice, but I was now observing how my self was engaging in my multiple forms of practice. It was as though the many forms of practice I had previously treated as quite separate entities, suddenly were being seen through a lens as being one of the same thing – a broad generic form of practice: a multi-disciplinary practice. I therefore revisit my Charter of Values and Beliefs v3, and added;

Year 2 Research Study Part 3 – who I have discovered and accepted my self to be as a practitioner, as a result of this Research Study, at this point in time 

11a Practitioner: I value authenticity – an authentic affective connection across all stages of practice – process and technology – across all practice [Value]. I strive to maintain being an Authentic practitioner  = maintaining an authentic affective connection across all stages of practice – process and technology – across all practice [Goal] As an authentic practitioner (holistic, embodied, value-driven, narrative-based), I engage in life to consciously, deliberately and systematically, stream my self to inform (all) practice, and (all) practice to inform my self [Belief]
From January 2017, I now see my self and my practice are very much a multi-disciplinary approach.  I now consider this Charter of Values and Beliefs v3 to be exponentially more aligned with my self and my practitioner self. I accept I am a practitioner across many industries, fields, disciplines and sites. All of my practice informs my self; and my self informs my practice – irrespective of the industry, the field, the discipline, or the site. I believe my Charter of Values and Beliefs v3 reveals my multi-facetted, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary practitioner self; my authentic self.


As I indicated in my last blog Charter of Values and Beliefs v2  (Page 2017b)
As a person new to formal academic research studies,  I have been surprised with the number of occasions that I have been confronted by a range of thoughts, feelings, observations, recollections – positives and learnings – and highlighted behavioural patterns over the course of my life, relative to my music practice. Over the past few months I realised that I did not have in fact, the clearest understanding of who I was as a creative practitioner at this moment in time (Page 2017b).
In an attempt to anchor my self to my creative practice, I developed my Charter of Values and Beliefs to maintain a valid contemporary values statement – a Charter of Values and Belief for both my self and my practice at any point in time. In doing this, I have been able to continue to observe a significant number of distinctions and insight into my multiple forms of practice and my self, and apply these reflexively to my self and practice.
This blog series is planned to continue next month with Research Practitioner Part 19. It is intended for this blog series to continue on a regular basis as I progress through my doctoral research project.
DLP 2017a image courtesy of Research Practitioner Part 16   Accessed 28th May, 2017
DLP 2017b image courtesy of Research Practitioner Part 20 Accessed 29th May, 2017
DLP 2017c image courtesy of Data for DLPs Project 1_Music and Sonic Collage.20170529.v39  Accessed 29th May, 2017
DLP 2017d image (Figure I) courtesy of Project 1 Research Study Developed Praxis v9k  Accessed 29th May, 2017
DLP 2016a image courtesy of David L Page. Accessed 31st December, 2016
DLP 2016b image courtesy of David L Page. Accessed 31st December, 2016
DLP 2016c image courtesy of David L Page. Accessed 31st December, 2016
Ohm image courtesy of: Ohm  Accessed 28th May, 2016
Onion image courtesy of: Onion Layers Accessed 28th March, 2015
Page, David 2017a Research Practitioner Part 16 Accessed 20th March 2017
Page, David 2017b Research Practitioner Part 14 Accessed 20th March 2017
Pulsating image courtesy of: Image Accessed 15th January, 2016
Research 2016 image courtesy of: Research Accessed 28th January 2016
Self Reflection 2016 image courtesy of: Self-reflection-for-personal-growth  Accessed 28th March, 2015
– ©David L Page 20/03/2017
– updated @David L Page 29/05/2017
Copyright: No aspect of the content of this blog or blog site is to be reprinted or used within any practice without strict permission directly from David L Page.




David L Page

View posts by David L Page
With over 20 years experience in the arts & post-compulsory education, David has lived, studied and worked Internationally including Japan, India, Fiji, the US and NZ. David has extensive interests as per the extensive blogs hosted on his site (see below). Additionally, David has published in both lay texts and academic (peer-review) publications.

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